About Us

Redefined = give a new meaning or new purpose to something or someone

When Christ came and died for us, He gave those who turn their lives to Him, new meaning. My friend and I are blessed to be re-defined by what Christ has done for us. We pray for those who enter our blog, that you may be re-defined as we have been.

After looking at least a hundred name options for our biz, re-defined encompasses both ourselves and the items we gather. We take fun pieces and give them new life in very small or very big ways! We are having a blast doing it! Most of our items are one of a kind, and our items will change a lot as we are redefined “thrill seekers” and want to do lots of different things! (I prefer thrill seekers over a tad ADD :) )
I am excited to be partnered up with my friend Kathy in this venture. My friend Kathy has amazing gifts! She can take objects and envision them as something else. Then, she follows through by creating those things. I am enjoying watching her creative brain work, and can’t wait for some of her creativity to rub off!

I, on the other hand, have a pull towards the beauty in the discarded. I love metal! I love old decorator pieces! My love is to pass my finds on to you so they can redefine your space or to spruce them up a tad to add new beauty to them.

My thirteen year old son has also has gotten the antique/vintage bug. He is an old soul in a young body. He has picked up old spoons, hand drills, license plates, records, etc. and has some great plans! You will see his work for sale on our blog as he begins working in his workshop in the garage.


I love rescuing things that are in precarious places. We have had more adoptions into our family than I can count between people, pets, and stuff. I am so reminded of how we are adopted into God's family by His grace and love. Each of us come with our own quirks and imperfections but that does not lessen the love He has for us.

Lana has put wings to some of my dreams of having a outlet for the need to be creative. She has a contagious confidence and is an incredible encourager. She also has an amazing eye for the lost in the masses. I am blessed to have her as a friend as we walk through the many adventures in our lives!

My husband and I are do-it-your-selfers. We have done many projects around our house. I usually get into trouble because my brain works faster coming up with ideas for projects than our hands can complete! He simply rolls his eyes then rolls up his sleeves. My kids have can-do attitudes on the projects they have envisioned.

I hope you like the items we bring to the blog. If you see something you like don't wait long to snatch it up. Once it's gone, it's gone, as many of our items will be one-of-a-kind finds.
